Reference to the exp() function



Returns the natural exponential for each data value described by the expression.


tsExpression Expression describing a constant or a time series of values to raise the constant e to.


The exp() function produces a time series in which each data value is equal to e raised to the power specified by the expression.

  • If tsExpression describes a constant value N, then exp() returns a continuous series where every data value is eN.
  • If tsExpression describes one or more time series, then exp() returns a new time series for each input time series. Each value in a new time series is calculated as eV, where V is the value of the corresponding point in the input time series.

The inverse of this function is log().

By default, the chart legend displays a rounded version of the result. You can cause the legend to display the result with more precision by holding down the shift key when you hover over the time series.


In this example, we see the result (in red) of using exp(2) to raise e to the power 2. We also see the result (in blue) of obtaining the inverse by applying the log() function.

ts exp

Here we see the result (in orange) of using exp() to obtain the natural exponential of a time series (in purple).

ts exp ts